How does the Black Imagination open portals and prototypes for sanctuary and communion?

(24th May - 15th July 2023)

A Radical Imagination Lab, curated by MAIA 🌷

MAIA is a Black-led organisation exploring the connections between imagination and liberation.

Our vision is a world towards liberation, in which artists are resourced and mobilised to reimagine its possibilities.

As a collective worlding project, we draw upon Black imagination, culture and our more-than-human accountabilities to rehearse liberation into being. These terms are permanently evolving.

VISUAL DESCRIPTION: Our team-members Adaya (a young Black woman with her hair up in a purple coat) and Kalease (a young Black woman in her wearing glasses, hair in a bun and a brown shawl) sit around a table with Andre Anderson (a young Black man with a shaved head wearing a black hoodie and jacket). Andre is talking while holding a piece of a4 horizontal paper. Printed on the paper is a definition of “Black Imagination”. It reads: ‘Black Imagination: To harmonise our imaginations, posturing it towards our world’s freedom’.

VISUAL DESCRIPTION: Our team-members Adaya (a young Black woman with her hair up in a purple coat) and Kalease (a young Black woman in her wearing glasses, hair in a bun and a brown shawl) sit around a table with Andre Anderson (a young Black man with a shaved head wearing a black hoodie and jacket). Andre is talking while holding a piece of a4 horizontal paper. Printed on the paper is a definition of “Black Imagination”. It reads: ‘Black Imagination: To harmonise our imaginations, posturing it towards our world’s freedom’.

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Honouring some of the work and thinking behind the Lab’s curation

If you follow us on social media, you may have seen a series of posts which honoured some of the thinking, work and practice which has informed the curation of Space in the Black Imagination.

Here is a list of the material we referenced and some of the questions we’re exploring during the Lab. We’d highly recommend diving into the work of these incredible artists, practitioners and organisations.